Tuesday, July 10, 2007

uhhhhhhhh 9th post i think

Hey bloggers! Im really proud of myself. I made brownies! And they actullay taste good! Unlike the Cooking Disaster of '01 where I think I tried to make cake and it was...well lets just say it turned out a really funny color. Lets see.. Im gonna list the edible things that I can make:

1. Cereal
3. PB&J sandwhich

And thats pretty much it. Oh, but hey now I can make brownies! Alert the media. But I think I ate too much batter out of the bowl with raw eggs in it and stuff. Maybe I'll get salmonella. Like my friend Tom. Well, I mean he didnt actually have salmonella but Victoria and I were trying to convince him that he did, and when we passed him or whatever we said things like "We're here for you Tom," and we were like all sorry for him. I dont really remember how this all started but it went on for a while. Toodles!

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